I have an table with a field of bit. the fields name is Active.
When trying to add that field to a label it gives me the following.
It all works when not using this field.
Error : System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.
get {
Line 2057: try {
Line 2058: return ((bool)(this[this.tableJob_Posts.ActiveColumn]));
Line 2059: }
Line 2060: catch (System.InvalidCastException e) {
jpDT = jpTA.GetJob_PostsByJobID(jid);
foreach (DataSet1.Job_PostsRow jprin jpDT){
if (jpr.Active !=null){
this.ActiveLabel.Text = jpr.Active.ToString();}
Is this field nullable in the database, and are you using TableAdapters? If so, can't simply check for null. You need to instead call the method IsActiveNull() which will be auto-generated by your row class if the field is nullable. This will then check for DbNull instead of null.
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