I have the following code where all the used variable are declared to their respective types:
insertSql = "SELECT Max([Customer ID]) AS CustID FROM [Registration Info]"
objCommand = New OleDbCommand(insertSql, objConn)
objDR = objCommand.ExecuteReader()
While objDR.Read()
CustID=objDR("Cust ID") '********** (1.)
End While
I am getting an error on (1.). its says "System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Cust ID" why is this happening? Can comeone help me whith this problem?
~sIf the code enters the while loop then tere are values within objDR so why not add a watch to this and check the value of objDr(0) and then objDR(1)
Hope that helps
Gregor Suttie
I would say it is happening because there is no field in the result called "Cust ID", though there is one called "CustID"
Yes i know thats a silly mistake on my part. very silly... i wish i could delete this post. :) thanks very much. now i am doing it like objDR(0)
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